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Shake The Baron - Ghost Hits
2012, Super Duper RecordsNew York Rockers Shake The Baron go for a neo-Britishsounding new wave/shoe gaze menagerie on their second album Ghost Hits. Vocalist Andrew Oedel is appealing, with avoice that’s scratchy and accessible, yet with a purity of tone that issurprising. Shake The Baron plays with arhythmic, guitar-driven style that’s easy on the ears. The songwriting on Ghost Hits is poetically solid, but delves too deeply into thebroken psyche of a simpering, perseverating heart.While tunes such as “Jones”, “Let’s Go Underground” and “WeMade A Habit” show signs of real life, Shake The Baron is too often caughtasunder by a whirling storm of self-pity and regret. The inward focus here is just too much, andwhile broken hearts have driven rock and roll since Les Paul struck the firstelectric chord, here it becomes a real drag on the music. Shake The Baron shows real potential on Ghost Hits, but never manages to breakout of their own doldrums here.Rating: 2.5 Stars (Out of 5)Ghost Hits drops on June 12, 2012. Learn more at Please note that the prices listed above are as of the posting date, and may have changed. Wildy's World is not responsible for price changes instituted by
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