2012, Adam GilbertNew Jersey native Adam Gilbert has been pursuing the life ofa piano man since graduating from the University of Miami in 2004. His 2007 album Fishing For Water won wave reviews and resulted in significantairplay across the U.S. For his latestwork, Gilbert dug deep for the authentic, honest sound that issues forth from A Generation of Forgotten Kings. The process was a personal one for Gilbert,as he strove to expose ideas of spirituality, accountability, responsibility,love and grace.
“Steady As We Go” is a solid piano ballad. Gilbert breaks out of the U2 mold and writesan inspired song about holding on and staying the course. Gilbert’s piano style on this tune may remindyou of early Billy Joel. “A LittleEmotion” is best described as an amalgam of Billy Joel and David Bowie. Although the songwriting here is diffuse, theoverall sound works well, and Gilbert’s gruff voice will definitely grow onyou. “We’re Accountable” uses an almosthyper baroque piano style to back up a lyric ballad about personalresponsibility for the world around us. Gilbert’s against the grain voice is a nice fit here, and the sonicbuild throughout the song is appealing. Lyrically, the song is a bit ham-handed in handling its subject, but itgets the desired message across.“This Old World” is a love ballad with spiritual/religiousundertones. It’s a fair effort, but isthe beginning of a long slow decline for AGeneration of Forgotten Kings. In general,the final six songs on the album aren’t really ready for prime time. Gilbert works his way through “Better”, “DoYou Want Me Now” and “I’ll Hold You In My Arms” like he’s going through theproverbial motions. He shows a mildrecovery for “Stay Awhile”, but slips back into the doldrums with the closingtrack, “Listen”.
Adam Gilbert starts with great intentions on A Generation of Forgotten Kings. It’s the intentions that get him. Gilbert spends the entire album writing tothe message he wants to convey, rather than writing music and allowing hismessage to be born of it. The result issimilar to what often happens with CCM music… the message overcomes themusicality of the songs, and end product often sounds awkward. Gilbert shows some real potential on thefirst half of the album, and a six or seven song EP made up from the first halfof the album would find much greater success. Gilbert is one to watch however, as he can write quite well. He just gets stuck trying to write heartmessages with his head on A Generation ofForgotten Kings. Rating: 2.5 Stars(Out of 5)
Learn more at www.adamgilbertmusic.com.
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