May Stands Still -When You Come Home
2012, Milestone Music Studios
Los Angeles based singer/songwriter Emily Herndon is the driving force behindMay Stands Still. Working with a groupof brilliant musicians, Herndon creates edgy folk music that blurs the linebetween folk and rock and roll. Herlyrical aptitude, refreshing honesty and musical surety have made her afavorite on the west coast, and she is a top-5 artist in L.A. onReverbNation. May Stands Still receivedcritical praise for their 2010 debut EP, MatterOf Time, but she raises the bar on the soon to be released When You Come Home, a collection ofeleven literate and heartfelt folk/pop songs that have staying power.May Stands Still starts off with the smart and peppymelancholy of "Gotta See". This is a mixed bag of emotions that ismildly tragic and utterly moving. "Wild" is an ode to someone who isable to create a sort of social magic from the stage. Once again May StandsStill wallows in deep and conflicting emotions and an utterly tuneful melody."I Want You" is a classic song of love and longing that ends Inawonderfully uncertain resolution. The song is well written and artfullyperformed; a definite highlight.
"New Groove" carries it with the energy and motivation brought on bynew love, as well as the angst it brings. This is a nice snapshot at the innerthoughts that swirl around the fall. "Soldier" carries a dark beauty;informed by some Celtic influenced violin and some amazing vocal harmonies.This is a moving piece that will haunt you, particularly if you, like thesong's narrator, are waiting for someone you know and love to return fromdeployment overseas. May Stands Still takes a surprising turn on "MakeMe", building a solid groove in a song of self confidence and ruggeddetermination.
"Sleeping Alone" is a beautiful moment of indecision andvulnerability where she explores her fear of dropping her defenses to let lovein and her lack of fear of loneliness. "Wherever You Are" is a onesided conversation with a loved one who has passed away that communicates inreal and heartfelt terms the worries that follow in the wake of loss.
"Raina" is a love song for the sort of free spirits everyone rootsfor here. The emotional lines blur here, as Herndon sings from her melancholydepths of real joy. "Falling" explores another aspect of happiness.Falling in love is compared to dreams, with reality the waking up. The orchestrationhere is beautiful, and the emotional weight of the song is wrapped in a beautythat keeps it buoyant. When You Come Home closes in appropriately melancholytones with the lovely and quietly heartbreaking "Blue June". Emily Herndon is at her best here, and thesong rolls out her heartbreak like honey from a jar.
May Stands Still makes a mark on listeners. Emily Herndon sings with the same quietreserve and vocal beauty that made Margo Timmons and Cowboy Junkiesfamous. At the same time, there’s aworld of emotion going on in Herndon’s voice, which is rich and a pleasure tolisten to. The songwriting here iscertainly worth taking note of as well. May Stands Still has a lot to say, and wraps each story in such beautyyou’re likely to be transfixed.Rating: 4 Stars(Out of 5)
Learn more about May Stands Still at www.reverbnation.com/MayStandsStill.
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