2012, Blaster Records
Aaron Lewis has made a lot of hay as the front man of Staind. The band's ninealbums put them at the forefront of the hard rock/metal seen for a decade ormore. Lewis has found a new direction the past few years however, falling forthe melancholy and pick-a-ninny of traditional country music. Lewis' fulllength country debut album, The Road, drops this week, with a sound both radioready and legitimate.
The melancholy pull of home while on the road is the theme of "75",in which Lewis laments a life where his bedroom travels as much as he does. Themusicianship here is first class, and Lewis' voice is as classic country asthey come. "The Road" is a road song with outlaw country pastiche.Lewis channels a mix of Paycheck and Cash in a highly catchy tune that willstick with you. "Endless Summer" is about making the most of timetogether with family. The scene is a summer camp with those you love best. It'shard not to identify with this tune at least a little bit, and Lewis manages toconvey the sentiment without becoming enslaved by it.
In "Red, White & Blue", Lewis explores the enduring power of theAmerican flag as a symbol of all of the sacrifice that has made America whatshe is. There is a melancholy feel here under the surface, but it supports asingular pride and hope for the future. "Lessons Learned" reflects onLewis' own human frailties and how mistakes have led to wisdom and appreciationover times. The song is a call for self-examination and for talking stock inwhat matters. It's well written, cogent and wonderfully melodic."Forever" laments the potential loss of love, and explores thechances of carrying on from the road. The sentiment here is authentic, andLewis sings it as a confessional piece of country pop.
"Grandaddy's Gun" is a song of generational memory and affection,centered around the shared memories of a shotgun. This song won't resonate wellwith the ACLU or your local left leaning lawmaker, but it will hit home foranyone who grew up in a family where hunting was a way of life. The arrangementis masterful, and Lewis manages to humanize a subject too often demonized inthe public sphere. "State Lines" looks back on a career full ofsuccesses in the terms of miles traveled. The seeming ambivalence about doingit all again that arose in "75" partially resurfaces here, but inmore pragmatic lyrical and musical tones.
"Anywhere But Here" is a song of ultimate regret, sung from theperspective of a man trapped by his own decisions. This plays to thestereotypical hard luck life style song endemic to popular country, but is wellwritten and had a certain commercial flair. Lewis closes out with a fittingpaean to the bad boys of country music. "Party In Hell" finds Lewisclaiming his place beside Waylon Jennings, Chris Whitley and Jamey Johnson, amongothers. The low key honky-tonk style is a nice touch.
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