15 Kasım 2012 Perşembe

Rob Morsberger - A Part Of You

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Rob Morsberger - APart Of You
2012, Hieroglyph Records
Rob Morsberger is the sort of guy who makes things happenmusically.  A singer, songwriter andcomposer, Morsberger’s work has been featured on PBS’ NOVAScience/NOW,Frontline and Masterpiece Theater.  As asideman, he’s worked with My Morning Jacket, Patti Smith, Crash Test Dummies,Loudon Wainwright III, Marshall Crenshaw, Willie Nile and others.  But it’s Morsberger’s solo work that’s mostintriguing.  His previous albums havebeen a mix of eclectic and literate pop songs with hooks impale your ears anddrag you along for the ride.  Morsbergerrecently released two new albums, one of which we are reviewing today.  A PartOf You is written from the perspective of a father diagnosed with terminalbrain cancer for his young son; an attempt to leave a lasting message and giftto see him through his growing up years. It would be easy to see such a work in terms of darkness,but while living in a valley of shadows, Morsberger projects light on A Part Of You.  The album opens with the contemplative andbeautiful "This Isn't Kindness", exploring the human struggle todifferentiate charity from love. It is a song of thanks and a teaching momentfrom father to son. "The Russian Cartographer" is an adept allegoryfor Morsberger's own live, swapping out an artist who maps people and emotionsin song for a Man who delineates boundaries and landmarks for others to follow.It's a beautiful biograph in song with some deeply personal connections.

"An Inside Place" is deeply reminiscent at times of Sting'ssongwriting on The Soul Cages. Thesense of being trapped within oneself transforms into an urgent need to beheard done up in Baroque pop undertones. The transition is vital, and in itsown elemental way, beautiful. "The Man And The Birds" is a powerfultake on overcoming death. As Death himself looks on, birds come down and lift aman out of his reach. The spiritual allegory between birds and angels isunmistakable, and the imagery has a sort of classical beauty. Brad Roberts addshis distinctive baritone voice here in duet to create an amazing split betweenlight and darkness.

"Maydianne" finds Morsberger taking a break from deeper reflectionsfor a love story told in song. If the Beatles ever wrote in a classical romanticismhue it might sound a lot like this. Issues of spirituality, art and legacy arein play in "Jacob Wrestles With An Angel". Morsberger's path todiscovery here is fraught with more questions than answers, reflecting anincredibly real negotiation to find meaning in the fleeting valley betweenbirth and death.

"Cancer Road" is a hauntingly beautiful exploration of life'ssometimes surprising curves. The piano- driven arrangement is simple and fullif peace, as perspective puts understanding in its proper place. Morsberger isat his most powerful in "A Part Of You", a live song from father toson. The heavily orchestrated arrangement is the perfect complement, asMorsberger creates an eternal greeting in place of words of parting.

"A Good Laugh" is painted against an eccentric and unsettledarrangement seemingly representing the chaos of life. In it, Morsberger remindslisteners that the greatest tragedy of all is not learning to laugh at life. Hemakes this point by including the infectious laughter of his son Elan. If thisdoesn't bring a smile to your face then you've forgotten how to listen. A Part Of You closes with "YouSon", a sweet love ballad from father to son that is personal anduniversal all at once.

Rob Morsberger continues to grow as an artist, and in the act of A Part Of You has crafted his mostaffecting and personal work to date. Informed by the tragedy of a deathforetold, Morsberger finds the vitality of life in the love of his son. Youmight liken his efforts to turning lemons into lemonade, but with A Part Of You Morsberger comes muchcloser to turning water into wine. A PartOf You is nothing less than a Wildy's World Certified Desert Island Disc.

Rating: 5 Stars (Out of 5)
Learn more at www.robmorsberger.com. 

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