2012, Antje Duvekot
Duvekot opens with the whispering, silky cadences of "Into The City",a song of impending, preventable heartache. Duvekot's voice is absolutelyentrancing, smoothly caressing the melody while placing her melancholyassessment of the facts in literate, flowing imagery. "Ballad Of FredNoonan" recounts the Amelia Earhart tragedy from the perspective of hernavigator. Duvekot proves her credentials as a songwriter and story teller inan incredibly nuanced performance. "The Life Of A Princess" is astraight forward and moving statement of being from a young woman who will notbe trapped within the boundaries of a fairy tale. The simple approach isaffecting, powerful and ultimately beautiful.
"Phoenix" is a plaintive and lovely song about what might have been.Duvekot has a gentle touch here, traversing the gulf between heartache andstrength with surprisingly subtle grace. "New Siberia" is bestdescribed as atmospheric folk; Duvekot meanders through this song of searchingalmost aimlessly in a rare miss. "Glamorous Girls" speaks to allthose who feel marginalized because they aren't the popular girls. Wisdom and perspectivepredicts that each will find their time to share in a sentimental little balladthat's sweet and well-written. "Noah's Titanic" is a quietly freneticstory song that's disturbingly wordy. The stream of conscious Duvekot utilizeshere is intriguing and almost frantic at times.
"Four Stitches" is a beautiful, imagery driven piece of songwritingthat is impossible to shake. New and innocent love is the theme here, andDuvekot sketches her memory here in gently flowing poetry and gorgeous melody.On "Sleepy Sea Of Indigo And Blue", Duvekot invites love from agentle hand. This is a lovely piece of songwriting that's full of quiet beauty.
If you need affirmation of Duvekot's songwriting finesse make sure you stickaround for "The Perfect Date", where everything goes wrong on the wayto going write. The light pop arrangement is note-perfect, and Duvekot deliversthe story and melody like they were written for her by the universe itself. NewSiberia winds down with the quietly lovely "Juliet"; a moment betweenfriends etched in time and song.
Antje Duvekot is a name I have heard over the years spoken in reverence andawe, both for her unerring sense of melody and her sense of timing as astoryteller. It's good to report that New Siberia is strong affirmation thatDuvekot has not been oversold. Listeners may not connect with every song on thealbum, but there is consistent quality and subtle grace in Duvekot'ssongwriting that is impossible to ignore. New Siberia doesn't bowl you over,but it is the sort of album you'll find yourself returning to again and again.Don't miss this one.
Rating: 4.5 Stars (out of 5)\
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