Seth Glier - Things I Should Let YouKnow
2012, MPress Records
Glier setssail with the eerie atmospherics of the title track. Glier's voice shares sonicreal estate with former American Idol finalist Paul McDonald, but this openingtrack sets a pallid tone for the album. Glier finds a solid pop/rock groove on"The Man I Used To Be". The regretful depression of the story song iswonderfully at odds with the catchy arrangement and memorable melody. A slow but solid beginning jumps intooverdrive with "New World I See", a celebratory love song about anorthern man who falls in love with a southern girl. Glier finds that personal,self-deprecating humor that drives the songwriting of folks such as RandyNewman and Lyle Lovett while weaving a story that engages you. All of this isdone in a wonderfully salty New Orleans style arrangement that is full of life.
"Plastic Soldiers" is a heartbreaking story song that follows oneman's journey from playing with plastic soldiers as a child to serving andbeing wounded in war to watching his son play with the same soldiers. Glieravoids preaching, rather allowing listeners to form their own ideas about theprogression. Either way it’s a beautifully sad and moving moment. "TheStars And Glitter" is a cutting indictment to consumer culture andhumanity's seeming willingness to enslave themselves for more stuff. The starkarrangement is compelling, and Glier's voice is amazing in this context.
"Down To The Wire" is an infectiously ambivalent rocker about fallingin love. This leads into sonic resting space of "Interlude", a momentof quiet musical repose. Up next is "Good Man", which continues thelove story from "Down To The Wire". Here the relationship is on, andhe is surprised at the feelings in his heart. It's a mea culpa of sorts, an acknowledgementthat he doesn't know what he is a doing with a promise to do right. Gliershifts gears with "Avery", a middle of the road pop rocker about aless than ideal friend. The story is well told here, but this track lacks thesort of spark Glier is capable of.
"Too Hard To Hold The Moon" is a touching love song with an unusualobject. Glier mixes metaphors here, turning from the image to reality and backat irregular intervals. The song is touching and powerful and ultimately bathedin a sad beauty. "Poppies On The Table" explores a single moment thatturns two worlds upside down. Glier offers a dynamic monologue in a catchy,vibrant arrangement while exploring long term mistakes and having the courageto change. Glier gets contemplativewhile exploring truths about love and human imperfection on "EverythingBeautiful". It's a beautiful, stripped down moment that is deep yetaccessible. Glier closes with moral of the story in "I Am Only As Loved AsI Am Open". The simple truth sweeps over him on his wedding day in thesong, and it will connect with listeners who listen with their hearts.
Seth Glier shows that the sophomore slump is a myth with Things I Should Let You Know. Glier is a musical storyteller on apar with a young Randy Newman or Lyle Lovett. This cycle confirms that Glier'speriod Grammy nomination was no fluke. Don'tbe surprised if Glier hasn't shown us everything he's got. This guy justseems to be getting better as he goes. Things I Should Let You Know is requiredlistening, and a Wildy’s World Certified Desert Island Disc.
Rating: 4.5 Stars (Out of 5)
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