Peter Link – Goin’Home (On Heaven And Beyond)
2011, Watchfire Music
In 2006, Link and James Birch began an on-line inspirationalrecord label called Watchfire Music. Link has since focused much of his energy writing music inspired byfaith. His most recent effort isentitled “Goin’ Home (On Heaven And Beyond)”.
Goin' Home opens with the title track, an uplifting choral piece that iscontemplative and sweet. This transitions into "To My Father'sHouse", a contemporary soul gospel number that is catchy and inspired. "Heaven"takes on a vision of heaven. The conversational style that is meant to makethis more accessible robs the song of any real sense of flow. Stylisticallythis compares to the opening song of a musical; one used to set the scene notimpart information. These are rarely the ones you walk away humming.
"I Ain't Gonna Grieve My Lord No More / I Got A Robe" details a listof worldly items that won't get you into Heaven. This is an odd to simplicityand spirituality that's entertaining but light on both. "There's AMountain In My Way" takes on faith supported by a funky dance beat. Thesong is catchy and enjoyable from a purely sonic perspective, but is comparableto the lightweight worship music style that pervades Comtemporary ChristianMusic. "I Can't Go Home" is a languorous ballad acknowledging thereis still work to be done before going home to God. The presentation here isover dramatic and weighs heavily in the ears.
"We Fix It" offers up another view of Heaven in a preacher'sauthorial but does so in a fluffy soul/pop arrangement. "What Could HaveBeen" is a solo, melancholy love song that looks forward to looking backfrom beyond the veil and anticipating the sadness that he will have. From asongwriting perspective this is solid work. Thematically the song is whollyinconsistent with the spiritual aims of the album, and the delivery is overlydrawn out and heavy. The tide turns for "In Dat Great Gittin' UpMornin'", where elements of pop, gospel, soul and jazz come together incelebration of the final day when God calls his people home.
"Goin' Home" is a sweet and melodic ode to going to Heaven. The malelead vocal here is exquisite and rich, inspired by his subject. For as good asthis is, "When The Saints Go Marchin' In" is equally as cheesy. Openingwith a faux news report, things go downhill quickly with a rote repetition ofsaints from different cultures walking together. The sentiment is certainlyworthwhile, but here is an example of where inspirational music puts messageahead of composition. The ensemble eventually gets around to the song itselfmany listeners will have already tuned out. Things turn more contemplative forthe closing track "Come To Me As A Bird", which uses repetition asits focal point. The melody is solid, but the AB lyrical structure will wearthin for some listeners.Peter Link has proven time and time again he is a greatcomposer; yet even great composers miss on occasion. There are a couple of misses on Goin’ Home (On Heaven and Beyond), butLink stays the course and generally delivers superb songwriting in a musicaltableau that is very accessible.
Rating: 3 Stars(Out of 5)Learn more at www.peterlinkcreative.com.