Kati Mac – Save Me From Myself
2012, Kati MacWith five EMMY nominations, and stints as a backup vocalistfor performers such as Meatloaf, Nona Hendryx, Sting and Michael Bolton, youwould think that Kati Mac would be a household name. If you’re a fan of daytime soap operas you’vecertainly heard some of Kati Mac’s original music. In fact, her song “Only Love” was the finaltheme for long-time CBS soap The Guiding Light. Kati Mac continues to produce her ownoriginal music from her home base in New York City. Her most recent effort, Save Me From Myself, is a wondrous mix of folk, rock, Americana andblues, and features a guest appearance from the one and only Jeff Golub.
Save Me From Myselfopens with the title track, a sleep bit of bluesy folk/rock that established arich feel for the album. Kati Mac is notoverpowering vocally, but she has a pleasant voice and a sense of presence thatis commanding. She owns this song,imbuing it with a sense of urgency that is palpable. “Bullet Hole Road” is the catchy and darktale of a desperate life laced with impressive guitar work. The subject of the song is an outlaw, thoughnot a bad person. The moral here is thata person’s story is often more than just the sum of their actions. It’s a great story song, and Kati Mac wraps arich and fluid arrangement around it all. “He’s Memory To Me Now” is a quiet ballad looking back at a relationshipfrom the past. There’s a sense of hopethat pervades the song, but that hope is mixed with a deep sense of resolutionthat things simply are what they are.“Been There Done That” is a catchy blues rock kiss-off songwith style and a bit of cheek. This highly entertaining turn shows off KatiMac’s sense of humor in the context of finely crafted lyrics and a brilliantarrangement that wraps around it all like a shawl. “The Wheels Go Round” is a solid country/bluesnumber with a healthy jaunt to it. This leads into “Times Like These”, a down-tempo ballad that featuressome of the best guitar work on the album. Kati Mac is a bit exposed vocally on this tune, but manages a solidvocal regardless.
Kati Mac trots out Blind Faith’s “Can’t Find My Way Home”for a run around the block, building wonderful tension into the song whileoffering up a knockout vocal performance. She then launches into another kiss-off song in the form of “Cold Day InHell”, this time chiding former love thatis looking to get back into her life. Listeners will hear shades of Bonnie Raitt here; it’s a fun tune thatyou’ll revisit again and again. Kati Macstruggles a bit with pitch on “I Won’t Get Back Up”. The vague malaise carries through to “Highway100”, this time not in pitch but in the form of a middle of the road ballad repletewith melancholy. Kati Mac lights up the room with “Lord Have Mercy On Me”, abluesy folk/rocker about being unable to help herself in the presence of aheartbreaker of a man. The song itentertaining and raw, and she does lose a bit of vocal composure on the highnotes. It’s unclear whether this is bydesign or simply caused from Kati reaching beyond her comfortable range. “If I Knew Then What I Know Now” is a solidlament on the past and things that might have been different. Kati Mac sings from the heart here; theresult is a compact tune with a fine arrangement and a powerful sense ofemotional momentum that is hard to ignore. Kati Mac winds things down with an acoustic take on her cover of “Can’tFind My Way Home”, this time with Jeff Golub putting in a stellar guestappearance.
Kati Mac is in the zone on Save Me From Myself, blending stellar songwriting, adept vocals anda wonderful compositional sense that draws the listener in and holds you inplace. There a couple of songs herewhere she pushes her own vocal range with mixed results, but one the whole Save Me From Myself is a splendideffort.Rating: 4 Stars(Out of 5)
Learn more at www.katimac.com, www.facebook.com/kati.mac1 orwww.youtube.com/katimac7.
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