Cody Gamracy - Where Is The Ground?
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Cody Gamracy – WhereIs The Ground?
2012, Soccer Mom RecordsCody Gamracy makes the most of his talents on his debutalbum Where Is The Ground? Staying within his vocal limits, Gamracyworks out eight original tunes in solid workman-like style. “All The Wrong Reasons” builds on arelentless folk-rock groove, resolving into a melodically sweet chorus that isably delivered. Gamracy shows some realtalent as a songwriter on “Sock Puppets”, pairing an imaginative and energeticarrangement with a memorable melody. Gamracy isn’t afraid to take chances, stretching his voice to itslimits.Settling into singer/songwriter mode, Gamracy launches intothe quietly impressive “Giving Yourself Away”. His voice struggles with the slow delivery, but the effect is moreemotive than anything else. Gamracyapproaches brilliance on “Two Kinds”, with gorgeous vocal harmonies wrappedaround a melody that simply won’t leave you alone. The rock-a-bye feel makes this a comfortablenumber to slip into; a great listen. “Whatever It Was” maintains Gamracy’s adept vocal harmony constructions,but is a bit disjointed compositionally. The experimental approach is a bit shaky at times, but does achieve somenice moments in the process. Where Is The Ground? wraps with “Out OnRing Road”, a messy bit of ethereal rock. Gamracy’s exploration might lose you as he floats off into the air, butshows an interesting range and willingness to explore that will keep listenerscurious enough to stay with him.Cody Gamracy perhaps leaves more questions than answers on Where Is The Ground? Stylistically diffuse, the album findsGamracy searching his muse for a sound that he loves. There really aren’t any conclusions here, butthe avenues he follows are intriguing, as Gamracy covers an expanse not oftenfound outside the circle of Pink Floyd-influences bands. WhereIs The Ground? is an intriguing start, and makes it likely that listenerswill keep following Cody Gamracy to see what he might dream up next.Rating: 3 Stars(Out of 5)Learn more about Cody Gamracy from Soccer Mom Recordsor on Facebook.
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