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Anna Coogan – TheWasted Ocean
2011, Anna CooganIthaca, NY based singer/songwriter Anna Coogan is workingfeverishly on the final release details of her album The Nowhere, Rome Sessions, recorded with Daniele Fiaschi. While we await the new album, we thought we’dtake a look back at Coogan’s previous album, The Wasted Ocean. Coogan hasbecome one of the most sought after artists in Americana, with a rabidfollowing in Europe and growing name recognition across the United States. She’s shared the stage with the likes ofAlejandro Escovedo, Lambchop, Chumbawumba and Carrie Newcomer, and seems to getbetter and better with each album.The Wasted Oceanopens with “The Sons Will Join Their Fathers”, a dark yet lush arrangement thatholds elements of Sarah McLachlan and Shawn Colvin. The futility of the life cycle thrives at theheart of this song, and Coogan paints the hope and hopelessness of the cycle inbroad melodic strokes that are stunning to hear. Thus starts a song cycle based on the sea;those who make their lives upon it and those who wait for them back onshore. “Streamers” comes from theperspective of the latter, exploring the emotions of the one who is leftbehind. Gorgeous is the only word todescribe what Coogan has created here. The song is full of a dark, almost hopeless beauty that is compellingand stirring.“Blood On The Sails” pastes stark lyric imagery against alush arrangement laced with theatrical flair. The dividing line of this song sees SoulCages era Sting on one side and McLachlan at her most personal on theother. Coogan drives the wedge betweenthese two iconic sounds with her own distinctive voice as a writer andsinger. “Love Without Strings” isintriguing; a bit more raw than the other work presented here. There is an unfinished feel here, as if thesong is a living, breathing being that continues to develop over time. “Life In A Peaceful New World” strays more into the countryrealm and depicts a Judeo-Christian Utopia. The song contains an invitation to all of those who search and apromise. Coogan is more traditional on“Comes The Wind, Comes The Rain”, getting back to the Celtic/Folk roots of theAmericana sound she espouses. Patienceand fortitude are the rock-like themes of “Hold Steady, Hold Tight”, whichdisplays some of the most stunning vocal harmonies on the album. Coogan raises the bar with “Come Ashore, Love”, a loveletter from a sailor’s wife to her love. The song is an entreaty that anyone who has ever loved a sailor, amusician or anyone else who makes their life on the road will understand. Poetically, musically and aesthetically,“Come Ashore, Love” is as close to perfection as a song can come. “The Crucifixion” is a painfully adroitreflection on confrontation and sacrifice. This powerful song will haunt you long after the last notes have fadedfrom your ears. Coogan winds things downwith “A Little Less Each Day”, exploring the slow fade of love over time,imagined as the vast ocean that lay between them. It’s a beautiful, sad and moving close thatwill leave listeners yearning for more.Anna Coogan doesn’t merely tell stories in song on The Wasted Ocean, she creates moments ofwords and notes that are so true to life you can practically reach out andtouch them. Coogan is a modern day DylanThomas, writing from a perspective that is distinctly female and at the sametime universal. It is impossible toexperience The Wasted Ocean and notbe touched. The Wasted Ocean will soon not be Coogan’s latest release, but it’sa tough act to follow: A Wildy’s World Certified Desert Island Disc.Rating: 5 Stars (Out of 5)Learn more about Anna Coogan at or on Facebook.
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