11 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi

A Clever Con - Mannequin Love: Part 1

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A Clever Con – Mannequin Love: Part 1
2012, A Clever Con

New Jersey rockers A Clever Con returned recently with Mannequin Love: Part 1, the follow up to their 2009 debut, The Robot EP.  While still showing the same penchant forpost-punk song craft and infectious pop hooks, A Clever Con spices things upwith a bit of progressive song construction this time around.  The result is a sound that is perhaps stilldeveloping, but is very ambitious rock and roll full of powerful guitar and popsensibilities.
A Clever Conlaunches a full sonic assault with "Thesis", a short entry mostnotable for its big guitar sound and economic structure. "Mexico"maintains the energy and guitar sound, but shows a more aggressive attempt atmusical construction. A Clever Con finds a subtle balance between pop songconstruction and the heavier sound they carry on the dark and catchy "I AmSpartacus". This is one of the best hooks the band has dug up to date, andwill have radio programmers trying to figure out where they can fit it in. Theanti-war message will also appeal to popular media makers.

A Clever Con really hits their groove on "Twentysomething Blues", apaean to arriving into adulthood and wondering what happened to youthfulexpectations of what it would be like. Every generation has versions of thistune, and A Clever Con has nailed the mix of cynicism and angst thatcharacterizes young adulthood in 2012. "SonLore" explores angst andmixed emotions in a wonderfully tuneful wall of pop/rock sound. This is perhapsthe most commercially appealing song on the album, and sounds ripe forlicensing for television or film.

A Clever Con heads back for the edge with "Skydivers and TongueBiters", a frenetic rocker featuring a wonderfully complex melody line andan equally intriguing arrangement. There is no resting in this tune for eitherband or listener, and rock fans will find this a welcome joy to listen to. AClever Con closes with "Katy Perry Sex Tape", a high energy song of propositions,insecurities and shattered dreams. It's an intriguing number seemingly named todraw attention to itself. The gimmick isn't needed however, as anyone with anear for unique song construction and primo guitar work will quickly find thison their radar.
A Clever Conis a work in progress, as sketched out in the songs on Mannequin Love: Part 1. There is a lot to like here, and the occasional un-polished moment bornof pure creation and grit.  However youmay hear them, A Clever Con definitely has a sound that is more potent from thestage than from the studio. Nevertheless, Mannequin Love: Part1 is a solid step forward for the band, and a sign that there is still moreto come.Rating: 4 Stars (Out of 5)Learn more atwww.aclevercon.com. 

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