2012, It Is What It Is Records
Matassa kicks things off with the powerful country/rock of "Somebody'sBaby", a message of love from mother to daughter. This is a powerful tunewith a kicking arrangement that will have your toes tapping. The momentum carriesthrough to "Wouldn't You Like To Know", a paean to the secretconversations between women out at a bar on a Saturday night. Matassa's playfulvocal and the rebellious rock and roll arrangement are a joyous match.
"Girl With A Rock N Roll Heart" finds Matassa recalling her youth andover the top tendencies. This is a feel good song about being yourself andchasing your dreams, and it’s incredibly catchy mix of classic rock and countryhas serious crossover potential. "Learning As You Grow" is a sweetsong written from mother to child that's not so much apologetic as it isrealistic about trying to good parent. Matassa's cover of Bryan Adams'"Heaven" is reverent to the original, but adds an orchestral countryaspect that seems fitting.
Even more impressive is Matassa's cover of "I Will Always Love You",combining the sweet vulnerability of Dolly Parton's original with some of thesoul and strength of the Whitney Houston cover. Matassa winds down with a solidrendition of "The Christmas Song" just in time for the holidayseason. The song has a classic sound as interpreted here, and Matassa makes ithers without making it over.
Lisa Matassa has a voice that can croon a classic or belt out a rock and rollanthem. She's like a female Garth Brooks, part country star and part rock nroll queen. Somebody's Baby has itall: Bombast, sweetness, grit and heart. Not to mention a voice that will leaveyou begin for more. Welcome to the world Lisa Matassa. Country music has beenpining for a voice like yours.
Rating: 4.5 Stars (out of 5)Learn more at www.lisamatassa.com.
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