The Steeldrivers - Hammer Down
2013, Rounder Records
Many of themplay several instruments better than you or I will ever master one. Many of them are singers and songwriters andarrangers and producers and anything else they can learn to keep them near themusic. Every once in a while one ofthese players will break out on his/her own. That’s a parallel for the story of The Steeldrivers: Five highly successfulmusicians who have spent their careers playing the music of others. Yet this dedicated group has been recordingsince 2006, and has become both critical darlings and crowd pleasers. The Steeldrivers have recorded individually withsome of the biggest stars in all of popular music, yet when they come togetheras one organic whole something special happens. The Steeldrivers return onFebruary 5, 2013 with Hammer Down, perhapstheir most sonically perfect work to date.
Hammer Down kicks off on thetoe-tapping bluegrass of "Shallow Grave", featuring a memorablemelody and exquisite vocal harmonies. That trend continues on "How LongHave I Been Your Fool", which takes a classic theme of betrayal andreworks it in wonderfully tuneful fashion. "When You Don't Come Home"completes a trio of dysfunctional or atypical relationship songs that open thealbum. This is the most infectious of the three, with primo vocals and someprodigious picking and fiddle playing involved as well.
"I'll Be There" takes this theme on a new direction, exploring inmelancholy overtones the expectation, born of heartbreak that things will comeback around. The melody here is nothing short of gorgeous, and the violin soloseems inspired by the late, great Stephanne Grappelli. Another type of darknessinfuses "Burning' The Woodshed Down". Lead vocalist Gary Nicholssounds a great deal like Trout Fishing In America's Keith Grimwood, butperhaps never more than here. Perhaps even more intriguing, Tammy Rogers'harmony vocals make it sound like Alison Krauss is sitting in.
"Wearin' A Hole" is all about dancing (and drinking) as an escapefrom worldly troubles. It's a feeling better song with a catchy mid-tempoarrangement that should make line dancers everywhere happy. "LonesomeGoodbye" is ripe with classic country melancholy. The brilliant melody isallowed to ride on the wave of an easy going arrangement that highlights itsinherent beauty. The Steeldrivers launch next into the high energy bluegrass of"Hell On Wheels", the story of a small town girl gone wild. Full offrenetic energy and frantic instrumental work, you'll be jumping out of yourseat when this little number comes on. "Cry No Mississippi" plays onthe theme of falling out of love in a small town and having to see your formerlove on a regular basis. The bluesy folk arrangement is a perfect match for thepragmatic lyrics. Hammer Down comes to a close with the jaunty "When I'mGone", which features the distinct melodies, vocal harmonies andinstrumental prowess that seems to define The Steeldrivers. It's a sonicallyappealing way to say goodnight; one certain to bring listeners back for anothergo 'round.
Rating: 4.5 Stars (Out of 5)
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