Jacob and the Good People - I Am Jacob
2012, Jacob and the Good People
Atlanta,Georgia (by way of Ohio) rockers Jacob And The Good People have a sound that’sinfluences by acts such as Dave Matthews Band, Rusted Root, Zac Brown Band,O.A.R., and Lil Wayne, to name a few. Their infectious post-alternative pop and soul blend gets into yourboots and makes them wiggle. Some ofthat is the chemistry of the band and some of it is the pure persona that isJacob Blazer. On the band’s debut EP, I Am Jacob, Jacob and the Good Peopleincite all of the influences above but sound mostly like they have been playingin some special sauce.
I Am Jacob opens with the light reggae-fueled folk/pop of "Crazy", alove song with a distinctive island swing. Jacob Blazer is charismatic and warmas a front man, and sells this song primarily on personal charm. "Moving"is a low energy cut of musical philosophy that has no questions and feweranswers. "Simple" is a soulful love song in the classic Philly style,with Blazer overcoming minor vocal flaws with pure charm. "Allstar" finds Jacob playing inthe same lazy/hazy soul territory as G. Love. It's an entertaining number thatmixes singing and spoken word while dropping culture and fashion referencesfrom earlier days. The EP closes with "Goodbye", a tuneful kiss offfrom a man who is choosing a life on the road over a woman he may love, but whocannot accept him being away.
Jacob and the Good People come quickly full circle in the relationship cycle onI Am Jacob. The slow and easy feel to the songs combines with Jacob Blazer'spersonal charisma to create an affable listening experience. His voice isn'tgoing to win him awards, but like other great performers before him, Blazersells each song with such finesse you may not even notice.
Rating: 3.5 Stars (Out of 5)
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