2012, Universal Republic
Les Misérables, the long awaitedscreen adaptation of the Tony Award winning musical, hit theaters on ChristmasDay. We received the soundtrack in the days before Christmas, and my visceralreaction to the album was so bluntly negative that I chose to wait and give itanother chance. Suffice it to say that my prior plans to go see the film in thetheater has been permanently set aside, as I cannot imagine paying to sitthrough a film featuring the sort of community theater performances in thefilm.
Russell Crowe is a primary villain, both in the film and to fans of themusical. Crowe is unable to summon the voice or charisma required to portrayJavert. The result is an impotent and ineffective villain who leaves HughJackman (Jean Valjean) to carry the story. Unfortunately Jackman isn't up tothe task, between over-emotive vocal passages and strained attempts to carry someof the more challenging songs in the score. Even Sacha Baron Cohen, who landed the plum role of Monsieur Thenardier, iswoefully miscast. The role, generally an over-the-top show stopper that servesas comic relief is so underplayed as to be boring. The fact that he can't seemto decide whether he's singing in a French or English accent simply adds to thewoe. Helena Bonham Carter is simply lifeless as Madame Thenardier.Aaron Tveitstands out as Enjolras, outshining Eddie Remayne in his turn as the lovelornrevolutionary Marius. Remayne steps up for the duet "In My Life",which also features a frightened sounding Amanda Seyfried as Cosette and anutterly amazing Samantha Barks as Eponine. We should also note that young Isabelle Allen shows off an amazing voicein the role of young Cosette. She will beone to watch.
Many of the movie's signature songs pale in comparison to any one of a numberof cast recordings available. Jackman's run through "Bring Him Home"is painfully strained. Likewise Anne Hathaway and "I Dreamed A Dream"and the usually inspiring "One Day More". None live up to theirhistories in the film version. Hathaway is at least passable, but simplydoesn't have the voice or vocal charisma to carry the role.
"Javert's Suicide" simply can't be over soon enough, and is perhapsonly outshone for utter lack of heart by Russell Crowe's ineffective stumblethrough "Stars". The soundtrack closes well with the powerful"Empty Chairs At Empty Tables", even with the afterthought of"Epilogue". Curiously enough, original Jean Valjean Colm Wilkinsonwas cast in the film version as The Bishop. While Wilkinson easily has thefinest voice in the cast, he is stuck in a role here where he never gets to useit fully. It's a nod in homage, but to put him anywhere else would haveupstaged the rest of the players.
It's sad, really. Sad to see a majestic show with a soaring musical scorecynically cast by a major corporation more interested in fielding eye candythan real talent for musical theater. Hugh Jackman has been playing on hisappeal for years, but it simply doesn't carry the weight here. Anne Hathawayand Eddie Remayne are both solid but would be hard pressed to carry their roleson stage. Russell Crowe is just plain awful here, creating a distinct list inthe balance of power of the movie. Thereal talents here are stuck in smaller roles where there is less risk ofupstaging the principals. Samantha Barks, Isabelle Allen and Aaron Tveit shine brightly, ifbriefly, and Colm Wilkinson's sublime voice is never truly heard.
Rating: 2 Stars (Out of 5)You can learnmore about the film at www.lesmiserablesfilm.com. You’d be better off sticking with the musicalthough, at www.lesmis.com.
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