2012, Meredith O’Connor
O'Connor opens with "Celebrity", a straight up, candy coated kiss offsong about making it big and rubbing it in the face of the one who dropped her.There's almost a country sensibility here, but the synth affirms the song'sbubblegum pedigree. "14 Miles" finds O'Connor warning her crush thathis girlfriend is going to hit the road. There is a good intent feel to this,but there's an obvious conflict of interest. The arrangement is straight aheadand solid. "Face That's Perfect" is an uncomplicated yet edgy popcrush song. O'Connor displays a keen pop sensibility here that's part BelindaCarlisle. "The Game" is an odd song of belief in another. It startsoff steeped in singer/songwriter pastiche but moves into a chorus that soundslike it was inspired by Debbie Boone. It's an unsettled sound that doesn'tquite fit O'Connor's voice.
Meredith O'Connor is an intriguing young artist. Her bound wire alto voice ispleasant but with a steely edge. As a songwriter O'Connor shows her young age.She has yet to find her voice as a writer, and is still playing musical dressup to find which style and sound fits her. There's little doubt, however, thatshe has the potential to be an impact artist one day.
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