Spike Nicer And TheLewis Sisters – 4th Farewell
2012, Spike Nicer Records
The Lewis Sisters kick things off with a gorgeous, 3-partacappella harmony version of “The Star Spangled Banner.” This is a goose bump inducing performance,one that you won’t want to miss. Nicerkicks things into gear with “E.I.L.Y”, a wonderfully catchy and funk-infusedrocker that simply won’t leave you alone. Nicer’s voice is as pleasant as ever, with an artfully understated stylethat conspires to draw the listener in. “Back-Up Man” is outstanding, bringing all of the dysfunction andimperfection that Spicer displayed on MysteryTime, but with a bit more panache this time around. “Rain” takes on a late-1960’s or early 1970’srock sound, muscled up and ready to flush out the dust. Nicer’s band is as tight as a wire hear, andhitting on all eight cylinders.
Nicer shows the depth of his songwriting ability on “99Parts Dust”, an answer to Joni Mitchell’s “The Circle Game” that’s just as deepwithout slipping into the classic cliché of growing old before we know it hashappened. This song is among Nicer’shighest achievements as a songwriter, and is played beautifully here. “Kate Shaw” is an old school country tunethat’s highly entertaining and exceedingly well performed. There are elements of Johnny Cash here thatare impossible to ignore. “EverythingAuction” gets spiced up with the voices of The Lewis Sisters, who make a greatbit of songwriting sound even better. “Turn The Lights Off Baby” is a wonderful country duet about love aginggracefully. There’s a sweetness herethat can’t be denied.
“Madeline In The Morning” is a moving portrait of the lifeof one woman who is primarily driven, and saved by music. Most everyone will have heard a story like theone, but Nicer brings the protagonist to life in song in a way fewsinger/songwriters ever achieve. “StopThis Train” takes on an Americana tinge, but remains firmly in the country/rockmode. “Some Friends Of Mine” examinesthe lives of others whose relationships are falling apart. This is more of a pictorial in song thananything else; one that might just hit home with listeners. “Catie Bange” is dramatic and entertaining,mixing elements of house and hip-hop into a living and breathing arrangementthat’s rock and roll, soul, country, jazz and R&B. Nicer’s cover of John Carter Cash’s “Loch NessMonster” is utterly inspired, perhaps even channeled at times.
“Disarray” comes across in much more modern tones, withNicer sounding like he’s working an outtake from Blue Rodeo. Thistime around it’s love and dysfunction, all wrapped in melancholy for the worldto consider. In this moment, Nicer findsbeauty, even as it flits and fleets away as soon as it is formed. “Apple Pie & Coffee” and “(Hey Baby I’mThe) Baker Man” are solid, delivering a slow build that occasionally flattensout. Nicer rebounds nicely on “PumpkinPie”, a quietly dynamic closer that will get stuck in your grille and staythere.
Spike Nicer is as good as you might remember (if you’realready familiar with him.) That’s notto say that there won’t be the occasional miss, depending on the listener, but 4th Farewell is full of greatsongwriting, amazing voices, and the sort of inspirational play that can’t beplanned for. The Lewis Sistersthemselves are a revelation, and very much worth spending some time getting toknow. In the mean time, 4th Farewell is the sort ofeffort you can’t afford to not give some attention to.
Rating: 4.5 Stars (Out of 5)
Learn more about Spike Nicer And The Lewis Sisters at www.spikenicer.com or www.myspace.com/thelewissisters. You can purchase singles from 4th Farewell on Amazon.com, but as yet no formal album release appears to have occurred. Keep checking Nicer's website for additional details.
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