If accounting courses taught accountability, would you be any more likely to sign up for it?
I haven't blogged in weeks. I've gotten lazy, I've found other ways to pre-occupy my time, I haven't prioritized this actual act of sitting, writing, editing, and re-writing high(ly) enough.
What I'm saying is, I let it get away from me. Doing something with discipline, by nature, involves consistency, and I became inconsistent. This is a teaching moment as long as I (and hopefully everyone else) learns and grows from it. I need to pride myself on consistency more in my universe. This, hopefully, can translate into results and be a positive message for others.
Consistency in Routine
There have to be things during the day that one repeats and does often - not only does it breed excellence and mastery, but it also helps to keep the mind calm and the body functioning normally (see: what times you eat, wake up, do certain activities, etc). A routine can also allow to access deeper parts of the mind and spirit. Why do you think athletes go through doing the same thing before each race/game/match/round? So they can focus! It's all a matter of building a mental preparation, a time to say, "Okay, I'll do X, Y, and Z, and I'll be ready/in the zone."
For me, that's now basic exercises - I do some chin-ups, pull-ups, plank, and push-ups throughout my day. I know I'm going to do them and do them well, and afterwards I can come back to whatever I was doing before and move forward with it knowing I've gotten it out of the way. The same will go for blogging (I swear). It's going to be ingrained in my existence to the point when it becomes second nature. That's when something's really consistent.
Routine, by its very nature, is generally consistent. After all, if you're doing something on a routine basis, you're doing it with a regular pattern, aka CONSISTENTLY.
Consistency in Goals
When I have something I'm aiming for, I don't exactly plan it out.
Thought 1: I want to be an astronaut!Thought 2: Why? How are you going to achieve that?Thought 1: Who cares? I'm going to be an astronaut! Isn't that cool?!?!?
To me, having consistency in goals is about being able to not only carefully plan but also execute a task. This has never been my strong point, as it requires a person to be meticulous, thought-out, and they need to possess senses of timing, foresight, and patience.
I'm working on all of these. Regardless, being able to time and time again go through the same process of execution, of being able to envision something, plan it out, then go through step-by-step and finish strong is an ability that will be incredibly valuable to literally every human being who walks the face of this planet. How could it not? To be able to do something with vision pretty much means there's some implied confidence in ability. Confidence breeds success.
It's also worth mentioning that when you can plan a goal out, it becomes that much more tangible. I want to get an apartment in New York City. How do I that? Who do I talk to? I know the beginning and ending images, but how do I seek out and figure out the middle ones? Through planning. Yes some of this is guess work, yes some of it will happen on the fly, and yes I am actively seeking out advice (as well as apartments, if you know someone, seriously, send 'em my way). But by thinking through the steps that I'm going to go through with this, I really think I'm that much closer to becoming a New York resident.
Bottom line, when you can be consistent in planning goals out, you're probably going to be more consistent in achieving them as well.
Consistency in Mentality
The last aspect of consistency I want to address for the moment is in the approach. How do you go into a situation? How do you perceive? Can you time and time again look at something from an angle (or set of them) and have success all the time.
I honestly don't think so.
It is my belief that preparation and flawless execution can not guarantee results and I'm pretty sure almost any investment banker will say the same thing. I'm also pretty sure that proper mental preparation, such as gaining understanding, making educated guesses, and bringing ones experiences and ideas to a situation will not always lead to positive returns. That's just the way life works, yes. But you'd be damned to think it's not worthwhile to go through this process of doing whatever it takes to be mentally prepared for whatever you're about to do. That's part of what school is all about, that mental readiness to handle situations as best one can using the critical thinking skills gained from years worth of problem-solving.
When a person can approach anything with readiness that stems from understanding, experience, and a confidence knowing that proper time was given to get to know a subject, how can he or she not be confident and ready? It's a recipe for success that, yes, won't always succeed, but pride can be taken in the steps taken prior to.
So I want to be a better blogger. I'm going to do this on a consistent basis, set goals and ways to achieve them consistently, and go through means of preparing myself to do this as best as I can.
I'd call this a pretty good Wednesday.
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