Suite 709 - Night & Day
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Suite 709 – Night & Day
2012, Suite 709In a day and age when modern R&B has become cliché andthe rock and roll on radio sounds pro-forma and pre-packaged, it’s refreshingto find a band that blends the two with a real sense of life. Suite 709 will make you want to dance, butwithout the mind numbing beats of electronic music or the lyrical rashness ofmodern pop. Suite 709 is a party waitingto happen, a fact that becomes readily apparent on their debut album, Night & Day.Kicking things off with “Tonight Is My Night”, a vibrantsong celebrating love in its many splendors, Suite 709 impresses from thestart. Front man Jirod Greene is partJermaine Stewart and part Philip Bailey, impressing with golden tones and anacrobatic vocal style that engages the listener. “She Don’t Even Know” carries a distinctivepop sensibility, sucking the listener in with a radio-ready sound while flyinga bit loose lyrically. “Rockets” is acatchy, upbeat love song that you won’t be able to shake, although the lyricalcomponent seems a bit rote.“Miss You The Most (True Love)” is a bit bland, but carriesa nice melody that may have been better spent in a different arrangement. It’s a solid effort, but perhaps just not upto the standard set thus far by Suite 709. “I Like It” brings the funk in a lively number that will have you feetready to boogie. If you aren’t moving tothis number then you simply aren’t listening. Suite 709 takes a bow with “Apples And Oranges”, the best writing on thealbum. Suite 709 achieves a classicMotown feel here, updating it a bit in style and sound, but making the casethat they not only belong, but are here to stay.Jirod Greene is the sort of front man who can make a band, afact that should not be used to overlook the rest of Suite 709. These guys play together like they were borntogether. Greene’s enigmatic vocal stylestands out, but he’s really just part of a dynamic ensemble whose full talenthas yet to be tapped. Night & Day is a great introductionto a band that is going to have a lot to say over the next few years. Don’t be surprised if Suite 709 is a stapleon commercial radio in the not-too-distant future.Rating: 4 Stars(Out of 5)Learn more about Suite 709 at Night & Daydrops on April 21, 2012. Suite 709 iscurrently working to pre-sell 200 limited copies, including an autographed 12”vinyl copy and an autographed CD. Youcan check it out and buy in their webstore.
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